Thursday, September 17, 2009

I realize that this was a long time ago, but was thinking of it lately and felt it was an interesting topic. I would love to know how many african americans voted for Obama for the sole reason that he is black. Im sure there is some study out there going on right now about this fact alone. I mean I voted for Obama, but I only did it because I felt he was the best of the two candidates. Do you think that if he was white that he would of had the exact same chance of winning then being black?


  1. i voted for obama becuz he seemed like hed screw us the least

  2. what i think is interesting were people that did NOT vote for obama because he is black. NPR did an interesting special where they interviewed people that clearly did not like the race of the democratic candidate, but didn't have anything good to say about mccain. it was sad to see racist would be democrats skirt the issue. i mean, he's half white too! but that's not how it works in the media, right?
