Saturday, March 28, 2009


Last week I went to go see the new movie Knowing. The basis of the story told is the knowing prediction of the biggest disasters on Earth in the past 50 years, leading up to the biggest one of all, the end of the world. This Nicholas Cage thriller, does a great job of making you wonder what the hell is going to happen to all of us, if there ever is the end of the world as we know it. The movie was a lot better then I thought it was going to be. The way the movie was put together, and filmed, was very efficient. Along with some great action and special effects, Knowing, brings an all together good flick. I suggest you go see it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fuck Fox News

I rarely watch the news, nevermind go to a news site to watch global stories. Since I have a professor that likes to challenge, I went to Fox news to check out some global stories. The first thing I saw when entering the website was this slogan at the top that stated, "Fox news: fair and balanced". So as I watched the first story ever on I was thinking of this in the back of my head. I watched the story on a comedian and three uneducated individuals rank on Canada. The people didnt even come close to any relevance on the topic at hand. Instead they just bashed on Canada for retarded reasons. Is this really fair and balanced I said to myself. Fuck Fox News!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Google Earth

For a year or two now, I have been using the program google earth. It looks like in California they want to limit what google earth can see. They don't want google earth to show, schools, government buildings, places of worship , and other places like that. I think this is absurd. If they think that by not showing these place son google earth, this means terrorists aren't going to find them if they want to, then they are fucking retarded. If someone wants to do something they are going to do it. We need to stop living our lives in fear. Some things we can limit, but cant control. I really hope these idiots don't have a good pitch to the federal government. Because they suck too and they will probably buy this horse shit.

Arnold Smokes Ganja

Tonight I was watching comedy central. It was either the colbert report of the daily show. But either way they were showing how California is thinking about legalizing marijuana. Then they cut to a shot of Arnold smoking weed in one of his earlier films.

Marijuana should not be legalized. I mean look what the government has done with tobacco. It would be ten times worse if they did it with weed. They would make it chemically addictive, which it isnt currently. Also they would just tax the shit out of it and every pothead would be broke. Decriminalizing it was a huge step. Good thing I live in mass. This is basically as good as were ever going to get it when it comes to marijuana laws.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fuck the FCC

I was fucking around on youtube as I do once in a while when I am bored out of my mind, and ran into this song called Fuck the FCC. Its pretty funny. It talks about the Janet Jackson titty incident and how that changed the way the FCC is. I really dont think it changed anything at all, but I agree with what they are saying overall. At the end of the song it tells you to go to So I did. When I got to this site I was surprised to see that it is a very large site supporting the first amendment. You should definitely check this site out. It has a lot of current events on different stuff involving freedom of speech. I couldnt get the video to load so here is the lyrics to the song.

“FCC FU: The Anthem”LYRICS: (to the tune of“My Country ‘Tis of Thee”)My country used to beSweet land of libertyThat once was trueUntil the FCCChose what we hear and seeOn radio and on TVFCC FU!When you deny our choiceYou censor every voiceThat’s what you doWe’d say “go fly a kite”But that’s far too politeFor stealing First Amendment rightsFCC FU!What makes your ass so tight?Does the religious RightRule over you?Those few fanatic foolsAnd your outrageous rulesKick freedom in the family jewelsFCC FU!Soon those misguided kooksWill all be burning booksWith help from youWhy be so meddlesome?Must you assume we’re dumb?What is it you protect us from?FCC FU!Are we all so repressedThat one small glimpse of breastMust be taboo?One Janet Jackson boobBotched up what’s on the tubeBend over, we’re not using lubeFCC FU! It’s time we take a standShout it through all the landWe can’t stand youAnd while we fight this fightWe can say with delightThat Howard’s gone to satelliteFCC FU! What I hear, what I seePlease leave that up to meNot up to you...If I’m offended, I’llJust simply turn the dialAnd I’ll be saying, all the whileFCC FU!©2006 All Rights Reserved.

Vegas advertising

Last week myself and my gambling partner, also financial advisor, took a trip out to our mecca, Las Veags. We had an awesome time, as does anyone in that great city. I figured I would try to actually talk about someting related to this class, so I picked advertising. There is no better place to see ridiculous amounts of asvertising then in Vegas. Some of the billboards are complete building sides. I guess therer is a great reason for this. Mostly because when people go to vegas they plan on spending a good amount of money. So the advertisers realize this and make the ads way more insane then they normally would. They also realize that if someone goes out there and wins a lot of free cash then they are more likely to buy shit that they really dont need. I on the other hand just buy shit I dont really need just because thats how I roll.(oh and dont tell anyone that we woke up with this showgirl dead in our hotel room, my financial advisor says that evrything will be o.k.)

Breaking Bad Season 2

I highly recomend that if you havent seen the show Breaking Bad you defiently should. The season 2 premier launched on sunday night. I watch very little television but look forward to this show on sundays.
The story line is about a chemistry teacher who gets lung cancer and only has so long to live. He has very little money and feels bad leaving his family behind with so little. So he gets together with an old student of his and starts cooking crystal meth and selling it for large sums of cash. Since he is a chemist he can cook better meth then the junkies can and everyone loves it. The second season started with a bang. Look into watching this show, you wont be dissapointed.

New South Park Season

I don't know if everyone has seen the new episode of South Park that recently aired on Wednesday. Unlike last season I feel that This season is going to be a lot better. Lets just say that South Park is up to their usual with crossing the line as much as possible.
I absolutely love how they brought in Mickey Mouse. He beat the shit out of the Jonnas Brothers and came out and said that Disney is selling sex to underage girls, but in a way that is acceptable. I loved this new episode. If you haven't seen it yet you have to. South Park has been running for sixteen seasons. This is crazy. I remember being in middle school waiting to see a new episode. How many other shows can you say that about.