Friday, November 13, 2009

Sons of Anarchy

I have been watching this new show, Sons of Anarchy. Its actually really good and I enjoy ity a lot. When I came to my blog to find something to write about I was stumped for a few before coming up with this show. When I tried to think about how the show can relate to this calss i finally realized it. In the show there are different biker clubs. The sons of anarchy and like a few more that they have shown so far. The sons of anarchy are almost 100 percent white. The other groups that they have shown are black and mexican. They also have a nazi group that is involve din the show. This is a pretty diverse group of people involved in one show. I was surprised how diverse it was. Do any of you guys watch any shows that have either a lot or barely any diversity in it?


  1. ive hreard and read some bad things about it and it just doesnt ctahc my interets

  2. I really need to get my ass in gear, sort of speak, and start watching this show. I'm usually up on television, especially quality prgramming. I keep how great this show is, and from people whose opinion I greatly respect. All that being said, I am a DIE HARD Ron Pearlman fan. Obviously Hellboy is awesome but I suggest checking out Pro-Life from the Masters of Horror series, Perlman at his absolute best.

  3. This was one of the shows that I have been meaning to watch, but I never seem to have the time to sit down and watch (heck I can't even watch Nip/Tuck when its on). Guess I'll have to wait and buy the dvd.

  4. I hear a lot of good things about this show I need to check it out. I feel like entourage is the same because it shows just many white people and no diversity

  5. i haven't seen it, but i've always been fascinated with how gangs interact with each other. usually with fists i guess. but its an interesting study on how different races relate to one another in relation to organized crime.

  6. well there was a recent episode that had one of the leaders of a black group on it. haha at least they are trying haha
