Tuesday, November 3, 2009

CNN, Latinos in America

I was fliiping through the channels theother night and found this show on CN called Latinos in America. This is a story about a family, the Garcias. They consist of a mom a dad, and two children. The two parents started in New York City where they lived since they had arrived in America. Then they decided to move to Georgia where they would raise a family. where they lived in New York was a complete Latino neighborhood with a lot of Latino culture in all types of different ways. They complain about how their kids are growing up with little to no Latino culture in their life. This kind of annoys me. I understand how the parents would want some Latino culture in their life, but they need to underdstand that their kids are 100 percent american. This is their culture for the most part now. They arent going to be 100 latino in everyday life. They are going to do and like the things that surround them and the people they surround themselves with. If they wanted their children to have Latino culture that bad, they would of stayed in New York.


  1. I saw the advertisements for that show and I meant to tune in, but never got around to it. As a person that used to live in New York, I noticed as the show pointed out that there heritage is very important to the Latinos. I think you may even make an argument that it is probably stronger in this culture than any other. My boyfriend moved here from Honduras when he was nine, and he constantly refrences his heritage and how he is going to bring up his kids with the language etc.. I think it is important that all children learn who they are and where they come from, but I can understand your point to. They can be a little extreme. I know in his culture it was taught to him from a young age that this is what is expected of him. Hes from a special ethnic group that really worships there ancestors as well, so I can't speak for the whole latin community but it probably goes far deeper than just the family your looking at.

  2. You make a good point. I think that it it important for the kids to have a sense of their heritage but at the end of the day they are American. The parents should want to instill a sense of their Latino culture but also intertwine that with their current surrondings. If growing up 100% Latino was important to the parents then they should not have chosen the United States as the site to raise a family. America has always been known as the melting pot where various cultures mix together.

  3. I tuned in this program and thought it was interesting. I came away from it with a different respect for immigrants. I just have one point that the kids may be 100% American, but the parents do not want it that way.
