Thursday, December 10, 2009

The League

I recently started watching the short television series the League showed on FX. This show is actually a lot more funny then I originally thought. There are four main characters which all have a very large role in the show. What I just recently realized is that they are all white males. There is almost no diversity in this show at all. Usually there is at least one character that is of a different race. For example the show, That 70's show, has fez, the one different character when all the rest of the characters are white. Do you know any other shows that lack diversity?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mahalo in Hawaii

I have been in hawaii for a couple weeks now and I have picked up on something. It seems that people here use almost no hawaiin launguage except for the word Mahalo, which means thank you. I really cant stand it because they should choose if they want to speak english or not. I hate that they just try to put one word in and make you think that if you use this one word then you are respecting the hawaiin launguage, maybe even more. So while I am here I refuse to say the word Mahalo. Do you know any place that has something like what I am talking about ere?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Diversity in Sports

I was thinking of something to write about while watching the the football game. Then I realized that there is cultural diversity in sports. But it is a little different then comparing some minorities. It seems to me that in many sports there are a lot more african american players then white players. This isnt the case in all sports but it defenitely is when talking about football and basketball. I wastrying to think why there are certain statistics of different races in different sports and couldnt really come up with anything. Do any of you know why there are more of one race in certain sports or even have any theories?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advertising in Hawaii

I got to Hawaii about a week ago now and have realized that advertisements are a lot different here then at home. There is a lot of advertisement directed towards Hawaiians and not as much towards other races. There is some since a lot of the sales in Hawaii are based on tourism. But I just thought it was kind of cool how a lot of the things are different here. Some of the things that are different include food, music, and language. Obviously as soon as you go somewhere else in the world everything changes when it comes to diversity in the media, but I just thought it was cool. Have any of you huys gone somewhere where the advertising and media was based on a different culture other then your own?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Call Of Duty 2

I recently have been playing the new Call of Duty. I know I recently had posted about diversity in video games, but I felt this was worth writing about. In the game you have generals and other authority figures. I find that there are litte to no authority figures that arent white males. I dont know if there is a reason for this but I started to realize it more and more throughout the game. I wondered what was keeping the poeple that made the game from making the head authority figures more culturally diverse. Do you play any video games that are like this, and have the same lack of diversity?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

George Lopez

I dont watch too much television but came across a show that kind of made me think, at least in terms of this class. George Lopez is now hosting a late night show. This made me think a little to if there has ever really been a minority hosting any late night shows. I cant really think of any. I mean some of the big name sthat come to mind when I think of late night shows are Lettermen, Leno, and Obrien. Thes eare all white males. I nver really thiought of it before. Do you think that there is a reason why there hasnt been any minority late night hosts in the past. or maybe there has been and I stand corrected. let me know what you guys think.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sons of Anarchy

I have been watching this new show, Sons of Anarchy. Its actually really good and I enjoy ity a lot. When I came to my blog to find something to write about I was stumped for a few before coming up with this show. When I tried to think about how the show can relate to this calss i finally realized it. In the show there are different biker clubs. The sons of anarchy and like a few more that they have shown so far. The sons of anarchy are almost 100 percent white. The other groups that they have shown are black and mexican. They also have a nazi group that is involve din the show. This is a pretty diverse group of people involved in one show. I was surprised how diverse it was. Do any of you guys watch any shows that have either a lot or barely any diversity in it?